Sunday, August 5, 2007

I WaS TaGGeD By Devilangel

1) 3 Things You Can’t Do.

* i can't stop loving my ex
* i can't stop missing some one
* i can't stop playing game .. hehe

2) 3 Things You Can Do.

* can wait for some one
* can be you friend
* can go coffee with friends

3) 3 Things That Scare You

* God
* Death
* Haven

4) 3 Things You Love.

* mom & dad
* my love
* my friend specially GTA members

5) 3 Things You Hate.

* people who using drugs
* liers
* politics

I am Going to Tag
1) blink-gurl
2) princessfaina
3) saugirly


Mr.Blogged said...

finally u got tagged, good for u